
Colombia Digital en inglés

Esta es la reseña que el blog "The Colombia Herald" hizo sobre el cubrimiento que hice del paro de los taxistas la semana pasada:

Journalist and blogger Carlos Sanabria, who is a member of the awarded Generación Invisible collective, has a wonderful “first-person” feature. He posted the audio of an interview with the passengers and the driver of a small bus known as colectivo who took some people, including him, from northern Bogotá to Calle 85, a middle step to downtown. He also interviewed the taxi driver who took him to his job at a national radio network, catching the radiotelephone conversations of the cabbies. Sanabria usually spends around half hour from his home to his job. On Friday 27 July, he spent two hours. He also referred to a phrase Mayor Garzón said to the media: “I didn’t even know there was a strike”. A statement who you don’t know if it’s baffling or shameless.

5 comentarios:

Roberto Iza Valdés dijo...


Filipogs dijo...

Sr. Carlos, le he dado un "premiecillo solidario", espero no incomodarlo.

Anónimo dijo...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Webcam, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://webcam-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.

P dijo...

Cuento breve:

El hombre entra al negocio porque quiere comprar una mesa. Es una mueblería, pero no antigua. Le ofrecen de varios tipos y modelos, pero el hombre no se decide y se va.

Carlos Sanabria dijo...

Palbo, gracias por su visita desde Argentina. Su cuento, aunque breve, abre la mente a cientos de reflexiones. Ojalá en Colombia Digital haya encontrado la mesa que buscaba. Un abrazo.